The cooking of the maguey is a crucial stage in the elaboration of mezcal. In Oaxaca, this process is carried out in subway concave ovens, an ancestral tradition that involves the community. Tapado del maguey, as it is known, is a team effort. Several people get together to cover the oven with stones, earth and leaves, creating an airtight environment that allows the pineapples to cook. In some rural communities, this process is carried out as a tequio, a form of community collaboration in support of the producer. The tequio is an expression of solidarity and recognition of the mezcalero's work, strengthening social and cultural ties.
Beyond a technique, the cooking of maguey is an ancestral ritual that connects communities with their past and their land. The aroma of smoke and earth that emanates from the oven during the process evokes the tradition and wisdom inherited from generation to generation. The tequio and the ritual of cooking are essential elements of the mezcal culture in Oaxaca. Preserving these traditions is fundamental to maintain the identity and cultural value of this ancestral beverage.